Today Commercial News iPhone App is your daily news reader and your handheld Chinese communities phone book.
The iPhone app lets you:
- Access all of your favourites articles from Local Community, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Breaking News.
- Forward your favourites articles to your friends directly from the app.
- One touch or two to contact with Government Services or Public Utilities via iPhones built-in app.
- Send us feedback by submitting a form from the app.
- Font size change support.
- Picture news support.
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圖片新聞 24x7更新
每時每刻精選最重要的社區新聞, 加拿大新聞, 中國新聞, 香港新聞和體育資訊, 讓您隨時掌握即時新聞脈搏.
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